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Dollar Store Snack Hacks: Nutrient-Dense Options on a Budget

Snacking on the go can be a challenge, especially when you're on a tight budget. But did you know that many dollar stores carry a variety of nutrient-dense snacks? With a little bit of creativity and planning, you can easily make healthy choices without breaking the bank.

Here are a few examples of nutrient-dense snacks you can find at most dollar stores:

  • Dried fruit such as apricots, cranberries, and raisins are high in natural sugars and are a good source of vitamins and minerals.

  • Nuts and seeds like almonds, cashews, and sunflower seeds are packed with healthy fats, protein, and fiber.

  • Yogurt-covered pretzels and raisins provide a good balance of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats, as well as probiotics from yogurt.

  • Canned vegetables, like black beans and corn, are a great source of fiber and protein.

You can also stock up on basic pantry staples like whole wheat pasta, quinoa, and brown rice which are nutrient-dense, versatile and can be used in many recipes.

With a little bit of creativity and planning, you can easily find healthy and tasty snacks at your local dollar store. Next time you're there, take a look around and see what you can find to help keep you and your family on track with your health goals.


Audrey Butler, MS, RDN, LDN is a Dietitian in Chicago who helps individuals implement a nutritionally-balanced diet to feel healthy and energized. As a vegetarian nutritionist, she knows first-hand what the journey is like to implement a nutritionally-balanced diet, vegan diet, vegetarian diet, and plant-based diet located in Chicago.


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